Outdoor Training
Camp TanasiThis training is required for leaders to take their troops camping anywhere, including GS properties. https://www.girlscoutcsa.org/en/sf-events-repository/2024/outdoor-education---camp-tanasi-11-02-2024.html
Girl Scouts Council of the Southern Appalachians
This training is required for leaders to take their troops camping anywhere, including GS properties. https://www.girlscoutcsa.org/en/sf-events-repository/2024/outdoor-education---camp-tanasi-11-02-2024.html
What are Girl Scout traditions that have been passed down over the years? Come and learn a sampling including flag ceremonies, award ceremonies, bridging, and more, in this workshop presented … Continue reading "Girl Scout Traditions at Museum at Daisy’s Place"
This training session is for experienced cookie managers who have completed at least 2 cookie seasons. New cookie managers will have a separate training session.